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  • March 6, 2023 Medical

    Keeping user needs in mind when MedTech companies design medical devices means remembering the humans that interact with these devices. Even the most life-saving technology can fail when it hits the market if an elderly patient can’t read the small ...

  • March 6, 2023 Medical

    Medical devices have rigid standards all manufacturers must meet. It’s crucial to ensure you create durable, reliable products that benefit the consumer. At MDI, we pride ourselves on meeting industry certifications that ensure we deliver the best products to customers. ...

  • March 5, 2023 Medical

    Humans have been performing medical procedures since the dawn of time. While the methods have drastically changed throughout the years, practicing medicine will always remain crucial to the survival of people. The implementation of medical devices has really helped shape ...

  • February 22, 2023 Medical

    When a company creates medical devices for individuals and medical institutions, keeping the user experience (UX) for medical devices at the forefront is critical. Being able to use the machines quickly is vital to the patient’s optimal health. With a ...

  • February 22, 2023 Medical

    Medical device manufacturers have a mission. Their goal is to deliver quality products that improve health outcomes for patients. Healthcare providers need to feel confident about using these products, which calls for high quality standards when designing and manufacturing medical ...

  • February 22, 2023 Medical

    Packaging is a crucial part of a device’s design, which happens during the last stages of a medical device’s product development process. By respecting medical device packaging standards, you can implement efficient packaging earlier in the process. Doing so can ...

  • February 22, 2023 Medical

    A medical device is an item that treats, cures, or prevents certain diseases and health conditions. Doctors and medical professionals use them in hospitals and outpatient facilities, and consumers can buy devices to use at home. Since they are so ...

  • December 21, 2022 Medical

    Running a business involves optimizing the details, saving money, and providing a great product. You should review medical device outsourcing if you have a medical device startup or manufacture them. Medical devices take precision to set up before you send ...

  • March 28, 2017 Medical, News, Services

      MDI is an FDA Registered Food Handling Facility As MDI continues to grow and expand its base of business offerings in order to create more employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, it is honored to announce that its Twin ...

  • June 14, 2016 Disability News & Services, Medical, News, Products, Services, Supporting the Mission

    Click to Request a Quote The Evolution and Spectrum of Non-Profit Organizations A social enterprise is one of several organizational types delivering services and opportunities to their respective communities. Non-profits have a business model and the graphic below brings greater ...