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  • March 28, 2018 News

    Apple has outlined a series of emojis “to better represent individuals with disabilities,” according to a proposal submitted to the Unicode Consortium. People on social media have been cheering for the long overdue representation. Emojis with hearing aids and using sign language, wheelchairs and white canes ...

  • March 28, 2018 News

    Nineteen years after a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling opened the doors to integration, thousands of Minnesotans with disabilities continue to live and work in segregated settings that keep them in poverty and limit their daily autonomy. These are among ...

  • March 28, 2018 News

    The eleventh annual World Autism Awareness Day is Monday, April 2. Every April, Autism Speaks kicks off World Autism Month beginning with UN-sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day.  Those supporting the cause are asked to wear blue on that day. Joined by the international community, ...

  • March 28, 2018 News

      For those in distribution, material-handling and manufacturing, containers can be a large portion of business cost and waste. The reusable, regular-slotted container (RSC) produced by MDI improves both of those metrics, creating a closed-loop system that is more sustainable and cost-effective. The ...

  • March 27, 2018 News

    MDI has promoted long-time executive Rod Wood to the newly created position of Chief Operating Officer. Wood, who is currently serving as Vice President of Operations for MDI, will move into his new role effective immediately, the organization announced on Monday, March 26.  ...

  • March 22, 2018 News

      MDI has officially opened its brand new facility in Hibbing, Minnesota. Located outside downtown Hibbing near the Range Regional Airport, MDI’s new 36,000-sq-ft structure includes office space, a lunchroom, locker rooms, and a modern and bright production floor. It ...

  • March 20, 2018 News

    Finance & Commerce will be recognizing MDI, and other selected honorees, at the 2018 Progress Minnesota awards on April 5, 2018. The awards, now in their seventh year, recognize those individuals and companies who are driving business and industrial growth and economic development ...

  • March 20, 2018 News

      It takes courage, bravery and a little bit of crazy to be a Polar Plunger. Plungers put it all on the line as they jump to frozen glory to raise money for Special Olympics Minnesota (SOMN). The funds raised benefit more ...

  • March 14, 2018 News

    The world morns the loss of Stephen Hawking but we are at a better place because of him and his life. Stephen Hawking passed away at age 76 on March 14, 2018. Hawking, a theoretical physicist, made several discoveries that transformed the way scientists ...

  • March 12, 2018 News

    3x your impact! Amazon is tripling the donation rate on your first purchase – through March 31! Go to, purchase, and Amazon donates to MDI.